Today's Card for for JP December 29 is Holy Seraph, Raphael.
It's from the upcoming set, Soul Strike Against the Supreme
During the showcase on Vanguard's Youtube Channel some other cards were revealed too.
Here are the card effects
Holy Seraph, Raphael
Black Shiver, Gavrail
Nurse of Broken Heart
Dreamlight Unicorn
Doctroid Refros
Mobile Ward, Healing Palace
It's almost a 1 to 1 port from the TCG to Zero. Of course, with Refros being an exception. Because you know, there's a reason why that card is restricted to 1 in Premium format.
Say what you will but I think immediately implementing a hard 1/turn on Refros was a good choice.
But anyway, Gavrail's Stride Skill is like Gurguit but on steroiods, you not only have a choice among the top 3 cards from your deck, but also from your damage zone.
This will help you establish a board with intercepts more consistently.
Gavrail's GB2, is similar to Shamsiel and will help with tank hits but mostly those those that ban sentinels. If you manage to heal a lot and proc GB2 while keeping your damage low, the ability will also help you fend off consecutive attacks from clans like Nova Grappler, Aqua Force and Royal Paladin... Especially Aqua Force.
The downside to the GB2 is of course, it doesn't work if you're at 5 damage.
An opponent may employ rush tactics against you but it also gives you more cards in the damage zone for you to play with.
Also to help keep your damage to a minimum you have, of course, Raphael, Dreamlight Unicorn and access to another Heal Trigger.
Raphael will be an annoying unit for your opponent - instead of dealing at least 6 damage to you to win, it may potentially go up to 8.
At late game, Raphael, Gavrail and Broken Heart can make it so that you can comfortably survive your opponent's upcoming turn. You can take 1 damage while buffing yourself with about 2000-6000 power depending on your set-up.
You can see how Rin did this vs Tokoha in Vanguard G but spoiler alert, she still lost due to Neo Nectar's absurd numbers.
Even at 1, Dreamlight Unicorn still poses a risk because you're losing on 1 intercept.
I also would rather give that slot for another G2 unit given there are many good Grade 2 units for Angel Feather.
In the video we have seen Black Slice, Harut at RRR rarity so I'm guessing she'll also be an exact port of her TCG Counterpart.
The downside I am finding is that you can't abuse Broken Heart and Gavrail's defense as much as you can in the TCG because of the intercept mechanic. The opponent will eliminate Broken Heart first before a vanguard blow is dealt. So if you really want to get that +4K buff per damage, put her in the back row so you have less things to worry about.
Another downside, well, it may not be a downside to some, is that now there are too many good combos to choose that the space wouldn't allow for.
Here are some supporting units to help you build around Gavrail.
For Grade 3s, you're expected to Stride most of the time anyway, so I just have a few selections.
Chief Nurse, Shamsiel/ The Phoenix, Calamity Flame
Angel Feather Legion
Emergency Celestial, Danielle
The Nociel Series
Thousand Ray, Pegasus
My starter of choice would be Sunny Smile Angel because healing is good.
For Trigger, I'd go for 8 Draws, 1 Refros and 4 Heals because you know, the swaps are a +0 and the additional cards the draws give are really valuable. It gives more chances to get your key cards and more options when swapping.
Of course, these are my own opinions based on my own experience and the info I currently have. It will most likely change when I get to try the deck myself.
If there's one thing left to say is be wary of timing out during your Main Phase. This is also why I try to avoid super technical combos because they eat up a lot of time especially in AF where you spend a lot of time choosing cards.
That's it. What are you excited about the upcoming sets? Let me know your thoughts.